Tips for New Members…

Try to be prepared. Check on the rehearsal plan, practice your new music. It will take a really long time to learn the music if you only sing once a week.

Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Start with just 2 or 3 pieces at a time. Ask your section leader which would be the best to learn first.

Bring a water bottle and drink lots of water throughout the week. Keeps your vocal chords in good shape and hydrates you and that helps your singing voice!

Try to come to rehearsal with a smile, leave your worries on the back burner for the evening and join us for some fun!

The endorphins our bodies create when we sing are very powerful…and healing!

Learn your words and notes as correct as possible. Attend extra section rehearsals when you can. Challenge yourself to be “off paper”in 3 weeks if you can!

The learning music from audio files is a great resource.