Learning From Audio Tracks in 12 Easy Steps

We have lots of music for you to learn, but don’t try to take it on all at once!

The following is as 12-step system to help you learn new music. It is only a suggestion until you learn a method that works best for you. The success of this program relies on the listening skills of the learner, much more than one’s music background or the ability to read music. Many of our members do not read music!

Any of these steps can be repeated before moving on, but try not to skip any steps. This will help you learn the right notes, words and timing of the song. It really does make a difference!



Step 1

Listen to the recorded music on the audio file with your eyes closed. This will familiarize you with the notes, timing and general flavour of the song. Don’t sing along.

Step 2

Watch the notes on your music while you listen to the recording. Do not sing yet!

Step 3

Again, watch the notes on your sheet music while you listen to the file. Do not sing yet.

Step 4

Watch the words on your music while you listen to the file. Please, no singing yet.

Step 5

On a separate sheet of paper or on the back of your music, write all of the lyrics to the new song. Now watch your paper while you listen to the recording. No, not yet… don’t sing… although we KNOW you will be tempted!

Step 6

Watch the notes again while you listen to the recording. Remember no singing.

Step 7

Watch the words on your music while you listen to the file. Be careful, still not a sound.

Step 8

Try to write down all the words again on another sheet of paper, without looking at the printed music. If you have trouble, listen to the recording again. Watch the words and then again try to write them without looking at the music. Stay on this step until you can write down all the correct words without looking back at the music. Now, proceed to step 9.

Step 9

YES, Hurray! Finally, you can add your voice! Watch the notes on your music while you HUM along with the recording… Hum… Hum… Singing is next!

Step 10

Watch the words on your music while you sing along with the recording. Can you believe this ? You’re really going to SING this sonf for the very first time. If you have any difficulty, circle the spot(s) in pencil on your music as you go all the way through. Then go back and listen (don’t sing) to those parts again.

Step 11

Set up your own recording device. Record yourself as you sing the new part all the way through without looking at your music. Bet you can hardly wait to hear this step!

Step 12

VERY IMPORTANT STEP! Watch the music as you listen to your own recording to see if you sang the notes correctly. You should be wonderful. But, should you have any doubt go back and check your part again on the master recording. Concentrate on listening to the parts you circled earlier to be sure you have made corrections.

We know that seems like a lot of steps! But, it really does work. Over time you may find other methods, but give this a try in the meantime!

Our music files and audio learning tracks can be found in our

Members Only - My Music Section.

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