• Director Janice

    Janice has been a member of our chorus now for over 30 years! She has been our home-grown certified music director since 2005. Spunky, fun and never tiring energy has enabled her to be an amazing Musical Leader. With 30+ years of ensemble-singing experience , and member of two quartets, “After 8”, and “Shiraz”, she has been dedicated to keeping the music alive in our chorus. An incredibly busy and successful business owner, her skill, enthusiasm, sense of humour, and tenacity is the driving force that propels Desert Sounds A Cappella + towards musical excellence.

  • Lead Section Leader Donna

    Donna has been a dedicated member of our group for over 15 years now. She is a multi-talented and now retired educator. Always keeping us inspired by her positive energy and words of wisdom. Donna also heads up our Costuming Committee keeping us looking our best!

  • Bass Section Leader Tracey

    Our long time chorus member Tracey who is also heads up our Bass singers. Her quick wit, experience in musical theatre and script writing make her an invaluable member of our musical team! Tracey is one of our most dedicated chorus members. She has been a member for 40 years with a short period of time as a dual member with the Sweet Adelines Champion Chorus West Coast Harmony. She was also the Bass of the competing quartet “After 8”.

  • Tenor Section Leader Maureen

    Maureen wears many hats as she has for the past 45 years in our chorus. With Maureen’s many years as our Director and extensive music education, our now retired school educator continues to support our chorus not only as our chorus coach, but also as our Tenor Section Lead and serves on our Board of Directors as our Secretary! Her talents continue to make our chorus ever richer!

  • Music Committee Member

    Gina is a returning member to our chorus. She was one of the first music directors with us! She brings a lifetime of musical knowledge and experience. Her dedication to music and entertaining in Kamloops has been extraordinary. We are lucky to have Gina on our Music Leaders team!

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